Goodell-Pratt Push Drills

This listing has been developed from information found in Goodell Brothers and Goodell-Pratt Company catalogs. The features listed for each drill may differ from actual examples. While the company typically stressed new features in its catalogs, it seldom mentioned the disappearance of a feature or the addition of a feature that had become so commonly accepted that it was no longer noteworthy. Then too, production practices varied from catalog copy and illustrations were slow to be updated.

No. 0

Goodell-Pratt reciprocating drill no. 0 Reciprocating Drill

  1. 1901 — lignum vitae head and cherry traveling handle; ball bearing head; polished steel spiral; spiral runs in bronze center nut; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-1/4 inches; bright parts are nickel plated.
  2. 1920 — as above, but hardwood head.
  3. 1922 — as above, but hardwood traveling handle.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1923 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 0 reciprocating 16 1/2 inches 1901 1935

No. 01

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 01Automatic Drill

  1. 1901 — fluted metallic handle; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; brass body not polished before plating; dull, white nickel plating; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 01 single spiral 9 1/2 inches 1901 1933

No. 02

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 02Automatic Drill

  1. 1901 — cocobolo handle; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; brass body not polished before plating; dull, white nickel plating; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.
  3. 1913 — as above, but hardwood handle.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 02 single spiral 9 1/2 inches 1901 1935

No. 03

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 03Automatic Drill

  1. 1901 — drill point storage in handle; handle is not knurled, rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; brass body not polished before plating; dull, white nickel plating; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1911 Goodell-Pratt catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 03 single spiral 10 inches 1901 1944

No. 1

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 1Automatic Drill

  1. ca. 1890— equipped with split two-jaw chuck; nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1898 — as above, but fluted metallic handle.
  3. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 1 single spiral 9 1/2 inches ca. 1890 1933

No. 2

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 2Automatic Drill

  1. ca. 1896 — cocobolo handle; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; metallic parts are nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.
  3. 1920 — as above, but rosewood handle.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 2 single spiral 9 3/4 inches ca. 1896 1933

No. 3

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 3Automatic Drill

  1. ca. 1896 — drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; nickel plated; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.

Illustration from 1905 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 3 single spiral 10 inches ca. 1896 1931

No. 3 1/2

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 3 1/2Automatic Drill

  1. 1898 — hardwood handle; drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; metallic parts nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.
  3. 1917 — as above, but polished cherry handle.

Illustration from 1905 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 3 1/2 single spiral 10 inches 1898 1931

No. 34

Goodell-Pratt automatic punch no. 34 Automatic Punch

  1. 1901 — cocobolo handle; equipped with split two-jaw chuck; metallic parts are nickel plated; shipped with set of four special punches.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.
  3. 1920 — as above, but rosewood handle.

For punching holes in paper, cloth or leather.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 34 single spiral 9 3/4 inches 1901 1926

No. 35

Goodell-Pratt push drill no. 35 Automatic Drill

  1. 1901 — cocobolo handle; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-1/4 inches; metallic parts are nickel plated.
  2. 1920 — as above, but rosewood handle.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1905 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 35 single spiral 11 1/4 inches 1901 1933

No. 101

Goodell-Pratt reciprocating drill no. 101Reciprocating Drill

  1. 1905 — lignum vitae head and cherry traveling handle; elongated traveling handle admits use of entire hand; ball bearing head; polished steel spiral; spiral runs in bronze center nut; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-1/4 inches; bright parts are nickel plated.
  2. 1917 — as above, but polished hardwood traveling handle.
  3. 1920 — as above, but hardwood head.

Particularly adapted for boat-builders, elongated traveling handle facilitates use in horizontal position. Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1923 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 101 reciprocating 16 1/2 inches 1905 1942

No. 102

Goodell-Pratt reciprocating drill no. 102Reciprocating Drill

  1. 1905 — hollow metallic head; rotating cap on end of head exposes one drill at a time; cherry traveling handle; ball bearing head; spiral runs in bronze center nut; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-5/32; bright parts are nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted drill points.
  2. 1922 — as above, but hardwood traveling handle.

Especially suited to the work of jewelers, gunsmiths, and clock-makers. Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1905 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 102 reciprocating 13 inches 1905 1933

No. 103

Goodell-Pratt reciprocating drill no. 103 Reciprocating Breast Drill

Breast plate supported by ball bearings; traveling bobbin features two side handles; polished steel spiral; spiral runs in bronze center nut; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-1/4 inches; bright parts are nickel plated.

Illustration from 1905 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 103 reciprocating 16 1/2 inches 1905 1931

No. 105

Goodell-Pratt push drill no. 105 Automatic Drill

  1. 1905 — hardwood handle; polished steel spiral; split two-jaw chuck; bright parts are nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1907 — as above, but jaws enclosed in fully knurled end nut.

Moderately priced drill.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 105 single spiral 13 1/4 inches 1905 1931

No. 108

Goodell-Pratt push drill no. 108 Automatic Drill

Knurled handle; drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; split two-jaw chuck; nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.

Identical to the No. 185 but lacking drill point gauge below cap that illustrates the size of holes bored by the drill point in each compartment.

Illustration from 1911 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 108 single spiral 10 inches 1905 1931

No. 185

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 185 Automatic Drill

  1. 1915 — knurled handle; drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; drill point gauge below cap illustrates size of holes bored by drill point in each compartment, split two-jaw chuck; nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1935 — as above but, spiral runs in bronze nut rather than brass.

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1923 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 185 single spiral 10 inches 1913 1944

No. 188, 188A

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 188Automatic Drill

  1. 1930 — Black bakelite handle, drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; split two-jaw chuck; bright parts are nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.
  2. 1935 — as above, but polished aluminum band beneath rotating bakelite cap.

Re-numbered 188A in 1937. Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1930 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 188 single spiral 9 5/8 inches 1930 1937

No. 656

Goodell-Pratt reciprocating drill no. 656 Reciprocating Drill

  1. 1905 — hardwood main and traveling handles; polished steel spiral; spiral runs in bronze center nut; three-jaw chuck adjustable from 0-1/4; bright parts are nickel plated.
  2. 1922 — as above, but hardwood traveling handle.

Especially suited for work around radio panels.

Illustration from 1926 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 656 single spiral 14 1/4 inches 1926 1931

No. 809

Goodell-Pratt automatic drill no. 809 Automatic Drill

Knurled handle; drill point storage in handle; rotating indexed cap releases one drill point at a time; drill point gauge below cap illustrates size of holes bored by drill point in each compartment, split two-jaw chuck; nickel plated; shipped with eight fluted-shank drill points.

A small drill sometimes referred to as "Mr. Punch Junior."

Manufactured by Millers Falls as of 1931.

Illustration from 1930 catalog.

Model No. Type Length Start Date End Date
No. 809 single spiral 7 1/2 inches 1930 1944